Thursday, January 31, 2013

Pedro's first time - Snowkite Session 40

The surprise visit of a very good friend of mine from Portugal was a perfect excuse to show him what I like to do with my free time... As he has already started kitesurfing back home and learned how to ski in his vacations, I thought it wouldn't be very difficult to get him into snowkiting. With just a little bit of explaining he was up and running in less than half an hour, going upwind and smiling on the way back!

It was great to kite side by side with someone carving his first lines and Pedro's smile at the end of the day was priceless. I didn't ride as much as I normally do, but it was great "playing" teacher for once...

I crossed a lot of friends, but didn't take the time to take more pictures, so I leave you here with a couple of nice ones by Banjoo.

And a very cool video edit by Mrik (great slowmotion effect with the new GoPro at 120fps).