Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The buzz on the new Cabrinha 2011 kites...

Yep, rumour has it that the new Cabrinha kites are coming out in a month's time... I'm not much into posting new products on my blog, but having tried (and adored) the previous two generations, I'm really stoked to see these little beauties in motion!
So, after a little web surfing (and despite all the secrecy that seems to surround Pete's new babies), I found a couple of references that give out the looks of the 2011 kites!

Love the design of the new Switchblade and Nomad:

Apparently, the Crossbow declines in two models, the "regular" Crossbow and a dedicated version for racing competitions, called the XB Race Edition:

And for beginners, here's the look for the next Convert:

If the buzz is confirmed, I must say that, personally, I love the radical chance in visuals that Cabrinha decided to take! Looking forward to see them up close and personal...

For more info (or rumours?):